If you own an automobile or even if you drive one regularly, you need to have an auto insurance policy. Before getting an auto insurance policy, there are some things you should know to make sure you have the right policy and the right amount of coverage for your situation.
An auto insurance policy is a type of property/casualty insurance policy. That means that it covers property, in this case, a vehicle, against risks that could come from a variety of sources ranging from weather to thieves to other drivers.
Auto insurance is for anyone who drives a car. Most people who drive regularly own their own car and need to have an insurance policy. But even if you don’t own a vehicle, you should carry some insurance if you drive a rented or borrowed vehicle on a regular basis.
Auto insurance policies have two main purposes. It covers other people and property for damage and injuries you might cause in an accident that is your fault, and/or it covers your vehicle against risks that might cause damage.
There are a number of auto insurance coverage choices. Liability insurance is something every driver must carry. This is what pays for damage you cause or injuries you cause while driving. Collision covers damage to your car caused in a collision that is not covered by other insurance. Comprehensive covers your vehicle for damage not caused by a crash, such as vandalism, theft, or weather damage.
The main benefits of auto insurance are the liability and property coverage you get. You cannot legally drive without liability coverage and coverages such as collision and comprehensive help to ensure the financial investment in your automobile is protected.